The entire story is presented to us by Stan that the blue one day he went away for an ordinary dinner into an ordinary bar in an ordinary small town. Everything was quite ordinary to the point where the guy went to the bar in a bloody shirt and threw it on the counter is not the end of the meat obgryziony spine and with full smile on his face, on which this "joker" had some traces arranged in a cross, waiting for reaction gathered. First, who did not like the behavior of mysterious person was the cook, the price for his courage was odgryziony nos. The rest of the accident rolled like an avalanche. Wrecked police car, people killing each other, Boeing rozwalający town hall, the atomic bomb. How interesting and unexpected end of everyday, and this is just the number zero to nine, announced a series of notebooks.
rest of the story Stan is the story of how he succeeded with a handful of other survivors escaped before the mysterious disease in infected people. Well, in the comic does not have zombies running around, people are infected. Each infected flies into a murderous rage and mental satisfaction derives and the physical suffering, not just someone else's but his own. They are organized, together in groups, and pledge the trap on the survivors.
comic is extremely brutal, ichor pours hektolitrami, raw meat pounds disappear from the body, sperm year to the left and right, and marked by crosses, the faces are smiling all the time. There is however the most shocking in this story. Ennis moved on a lot of comic cards, at least strange ideas how to end human life. Without betraying nothing of the plot, just write that these are scenes of brutal, shocking and spicing about nausea. I have never met in popular culture with such a high level of savagery and perversion.
Ennis this comic has gained in my opinion crazy, and Burrows your drawings should attract attention to any organization dealing with the protection of the law. His drawings are very realistic. This man is probably some lurking butcher, and even if he learned rozbebeszonych to draw pictures of people on the basis of this and so nothing changes.
I love these guys.
I love this comic.
Knowing only 4 books and not being able to wait for the next six, and to paraphrase the narrator of the movie trailer Last House on the Left (1972), I repeat myself: it's just a comic book, it's just a comic book, it's just a comic.
Sample boards:
Writer: Garth Ennis
Design: Jacen Burrows
Colors: Juanmar (# 0 Greg Waller)
Publisher: Avatar Press
Official Site
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