comic by Steve Niles'a (screenplay) and Ben Templesmith'a (drawings) unless all the fans know the history of drawing. It is a comic book, which probably has gained cult status, especially among people who like the horror of the vampires in the leading roles.
Hollywood as we know, is experiencing a crisis last strong and is not able to create something good and at the same time a new one. Hence, a huge rash of remakes, adaptations and continuity. Another fresh produce made in the USA (and fashionable recently New Zealand) is a horror movie "30 Days of Night."
small town of Barrow, Alaska, far beyond the Arctic Circle, the last sunny day before the forthcoming 30-day night. When most of the inh ańców makes final preparations for departure to the south, where they are going to wait out severe winter in Barrow start happening strange and disturbing things. Someone stole mobile phones and burned, killed all the sled dogs and destroyed heliko pter. Sheriff Eben (Josh Hartnett) is concerned about these events, especially when the stranger, the newcomer arrested (Ben Foster), all the time says that they are coming. remained in the town of 153 people, but not all of them will see the sunrise ...
scenario is not much different from the original comic, but
images are correct, but not fantastic and you can see that the brutal scenes were heavily cut, surprise me, because the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) gave the film the age category "R" (a person under 17 years must go to the cinema with a adult).
Vampires are fun to create garments, animal, devoid of empathy and human emotion. The only thing slightly ra and from the group them among their leaders Marlow'a and howling, by which I associate with a gang of wolves.
course, I will choose the cinema to see "30 Days Of Night ', despite all the drawbacks, I believe that it is worth to see it on the big screen. But I wonder if we will have to wait for the Polish premiere.
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