Randy "The Ram" Robinson is American wrestling legend. Spent his whole life in the ring, amid cries of the audience cheering. Great build, dyed blond model. The best year is behind us. Now, tired of life, destroyed by anabolics and lifestyles fights for every penny in rented gyms for those few fans who still remember the distant days of his glory.
Darren Aronofsky has had a well-received by audiences movies, so the expectations for his latest film were very high. Some certainly are disappointed because the wrestler is a film completely different from his previous accomplishments. However, I think the vast majority of its fans discovered something new in his works.
Wrestler is a film przegadanym little, a little boring, too stylized to the document. The Wrestler is as shown in the life of Randy. It is sad and gives food for thought. Really weird to write about this film that is wonderful, great and amazing, and this is an extra written and played super heroes. Actually, one hero.
This image is definitely a theater actor - Mickey Rourke. He partnered with Marisa Tomei, who stars as Cassidy - exotic dancers with his favorite club go-go, while a woman in which is love. Rourke is likely (or at least with all my heart that I wish him) won the Oscar for the role of Best Actor. Mickey, who to his credit he had been acting very significant roles, he played most of the thugs and some minor roles, the rest could develop wings. It was his come back from the abyss, I dare say that if not for this role, he could either retire, or finish as Segal, Van Dame or Hauer. Although I do not know if Rourke has at least a little skill Hauer'a.