Yeahh I got back on the blog after 108 days of absence and returned to Indy big screen after 19 years. Briefly about what for me - work and varsity (exactly in that order) so no time to write, no but the opportunity that I have not been at the premiere so I decided to quickly describe their impressions after the premiere of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Maybe I'll start to like the Baltic Sea (the name of the Lodz film) was prepared for release. In the lobby, the audience waited for a table set with glasses of red wine, and in the terrarium and not only could see the "wild" animals for a snake, spider, lizard, etc.. Usher after przedarciu ticket gave me a razor Wilkinson from the sponsor, and when his grandmother sat in a chair with a snake around his neck declared konkursiwo "who will stand the cup in a spider gets a reward." WOW until all 3 people got a disc from the sponsor (radio eska - unless you somehow did not attached the comments to what the grandmother said.) Before the movie, of course, a heap of advertising and only 2 trailers.
(spoiler warning - highlight to read text )
group of Russian soldiers collecting the items around the world with paranormal properties to use them to build a weapon that will give them advantage over the Americans. One of these objects, which raises their special interest is the desert of Nevada in a military warehouse number 51 (any combination?). In this warehouse are artifacts found by the Americans, but this one may find only a Doctor Jones. Wait a minute, but where is Indy? Well, yes, I forgot to write that the trip was spent in the trunk.

mentioned the incredible events of, well, there are a lot of the film, but it was a lot of them in each of the films. When Arce killing of German soldiers and immortal knight guarding the Holy Grail, the survival of a nuclear explosion in household equipment does not seem all that unusual. I mentioned the ending, which did not reveal, however, was not hard to imagine him, in comparison with other parts, is holding a high level of uniqueness. At FilmWeb'ie after returning from the launch a lot of people have written as they are disappointed with this movie and mostly talked about this a little realism of certain events. In my opinion these small probability or even its absence is the essence of adventure, its magic. With the rest, it is something that no one previously did not mean that it is impossible. MythBusters proved this in one of its sections, in which the wallpaper took one of the scenes from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It turns out that you can, just try it.
short film front, better than Temple of Doom, on par with the explorers and slightly weaker than the Last Crusade. I'm happy and in good heart, I can recommend this film to others, but remember this is the adventure film, is fun, do not take it too seriously, because from what I noticed in comments on FilmWeb'ie too many have committed this error.